Another musical retrospective. If you enjoy this, I also did a 2022 and a 2023 one.
In 2024, I added 88 new albums to my collection — that's a lot!
This year again, I bought the vast majority of my music on Bandcamp. To be honest, I'm quite distraught by what's become of that website. Although it stays a wonderful place to buy underground music, Songtradr, the new owner of the platform, has been shown to be viciously anti-union.
Money continues to ruin the world, I guess.
I continued to go to a lot of concerts in 2024 (25!). Over the past 3 years, I have been going to more and more concerts, and I think I've reached my "peak". A mean of a concert every two weeks is quite a lot :)
If you also like music and concerts, but find yourself not going to as many as you would like, the real secret is not to be afraid to go to concerts alone. Going with friends is always fun, but if I restricted myself to only going to concerts in a group, I'd barely see a few each year.
Another good advice is to bring a book or something else1 to pass the time between sets. It can often take 30-45 minutes between sets for the artists to get their instruments ready, which can get quite boring if you just stand there and wait.
Anyway, here are the concerts I went to in 2024:
- February 22nd-23rd-24th (Montreal Madhouse 2024): Scorching Tomb, Bruiserweight, Scaramanga, Cloned Apparition, Chain Block, Freezerburn, Béton Armé, Mil-Spec, NUKE, Friction, Reality Denied, SOV, Deathnap, Glint, Mulch, Stigmatism, Plus Minus, Puffer, Deadbolt, Apes, Pale Ache, Total Nada, Verify, Cross Check
- March 16th: Kavinsky
- April 11th: Agriculture
- April 26th-27th (Oi! Fest 2024): Bishops Green, The Partisans, Mess, Fuerza Bruta, Empire Down, Unwanted Noise, Lion's Law, The Oppressed, Ultra Sect, Reckless Upstarts, 21 Gun Salute, Jail
- May 16th: Wayfarer, Valdrin, Sonja
- May 25th: Union Thugs
- June 15th: Ultra Razzia, Over the Hill, Street Code, Mortier
- September 5th-6th (Droogs Fest 2024): Skarface, Inspecter 7, 2 Stone 2 Skank, Francbâtards, Les Happycuriens, Perkele, Blanks 77, Violent Way, La Gachette, Jenny Woo
- September 16th: Too Many Zoos
- September 27th: The Slads, Young Blades, New Release, Mortier
- October 2nd: Amorphis, Dark Tranquility, Fires in the Distance
- October 7th: Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI, accompanied by La Capella Reial de Catalunya
- October 11th-12th (Revolution Fest 2024): René Binamé, Dirty Old Mat, Union Thugs, Gunh Twei, Vermine Kaos, Inner Terrestrials, Ultra Razzia, Battery March, Uzu, One Last Thread, Years of Lead
- October 19th (Varning from Montreal XVI): Coupe Gorge, Flash, Imploders, Young Blades, Tenaz, Mötorwölf
- November 2nd: Kon-Fusion, Union Thugs
- November 12th: Chat Pile, Agriculture, Traindodge
- November 25th: Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- November 27th: Zeal & Ardour, Gaerea, Zetra
- December 7th: Perestroïka, Priors, White Knuckles, Tenaz
Shout out to the Gancio project and to the folks running the Montreal instance. It continues to be a smash hit and most of the interesting concerts end up being advertised there.
See you all in 2025!
I bought a Miyoo Mini Plus, a handheld Linux console running OnionOS, for that express reason. So far it's been great and I've been very happy to revisit some childhood classics. ↩