-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Sun, 07 Mar 2021 13:00:17 -0500 I've recently set up a new OpenPGP key and will be transitioning away from my old one. It is a chance for me to start using a OpenPGP hardware token and to transition to a new personal email address (my main public contact is still my `@debian.org` address). Please note that I've partially redacted some email addresses from this statement to minimise the amount of spam I receive. It shouldn't be hard for actual humans to follow the instructions below to find the complete addresses. The old key will continue to be valid for a few months, but will eventually be revoked. You might know my old OpenPGP certificate as: pub rsa4096/0x7AEAC4EC6AAA0A97 2014-12-22 [expires: 2021-06-02] Key fingerprint = 677F 54F1 FA86 81AD 8EC0 BCE6 7AEA C4EC 6AAA 0A97 uid Louis-Philippe Véronneauuid Louis-Philippe Véronneau (alias) uid Louis-Philippe Véronneau (debian) My new OpenPGP certificate is: pub ed25519/0xE1E5457C8BAD4113 2021-03-06 [expires: 2022-03-06] Key fingerprint = F64D 61D3 21F3 CB48 9156 753D E1E5 457C 8BAD 4113 uid Louis-Philippe Véronneau uid Louis-Philippe Véronneau These days, I mostly use my key for Debian and to sign git commit. I don't really expect you to sign my new key if you had signed my old one. I've published the new certificate on keys.openpgp.org as well as on my personal website. You can fetch it like this: $ wget -O- https://veronneau.org/media/openpgp.key | gpg --import -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEZ39U8fqGga2OwLzmeurE7GqqCpcFAmBFFM8ACgkQeurE7Gqq CpcuchAAscAeszdtA+TlCI4YvK5nlk+nJnCnNBSnl7Et+jiNjq8kB/Fud+dWMTXC Zag8oJkalbbxub0BT0bEAn+BiBunu58E0gd0Xq4syTbqZ5o5IN17S/tfxCD0k1hf ewrnYZ2l0i5g4YvHGKC+Xv4D+Z84BylnIRaXHqlUdluOVfVYDfLybOAqoktO/KUH I+vQBwXj0Fr/QAtgiz5Nwh/YHFiU9xMSvr5ozRwAFs6+xfIqFHuVPRRkEN5iVo4D kkMIz+kFfkoh4aWIP4dgAu39XnEgxwTR9J+4yE8TzCCMzO7xCK0X6vqgPAxYMPvb RuP4FnGWOnGnlcudCUAUkOaryrwRi+dPQTnNICHTYsvVc7dg+W0EhVUkwEuuEwpI qtcB/Y5AGhqK0Cc11uXiFjIQwLTgwcUez4F0xrGeqsTtAM5gyRup2w0jbocTuYSh ZRv/2zwrq/S3xVrUYGqdT+L5odmkBzz9zOwY5WlU2H9CMFOdh71XOv9wWQXan9ou hLRodeOQ8MinIBP+sX36ol1zg/aP7mCHvRRSBzWt7l3WhVxgZFpNwIfp/RZqU0R4 IEq48mntFhPvHJjFmAKLKK/ckzNMtSn+HWQPJV3HTInKCTu5PTNMU3SAvPHOHEps V6WWSOPB+1Lm/tlIULDc+0SopWoiWO4NObCSs8zMZHlYPBk5x/KIdQQBFgoAHRYh BMqnQAcHqBawIC/DzfQlelCyHPqFBQJgRRTPAAoJEPQlelCyHPqFFVEA/1qScaAk O+eBEE4q0BaJDsqweCS1XCcuQGkQCKi5Zv6kAQChQ96Ve7cKbN/wRkT9pdIhmx01 +CmIsnp3k6N0ZYLLCg== =onl0 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
New Year, New OpenPGP Key
2021-03-07 - Louis-Philippe Véronneau
debian foss gpg