Montreal's Debian & Stuff - "September" 2023

2023-10-07 - Louis-Philippe Véronneau

Last Sunday, our local Debian user group gathered to chat, to work on Debian and to do other, non-Debian related hacking. A "Debian & Stuff"!

It had been a while since we held a proper meetup. Our last event was the Montreal BSP we organised back in March 2023... We somewhat missed the window for a June meetup and summer events never seem to gather a good crowd, so I didn't try to organise one.

All this to say it was nice to see folks from the Montreal Debian community :)

This event was also the first time we were hosted by L'Espace des possibles - Petite Patrie, a social venue that aims to provide a space for not-for-profit activities, like repair cafés, sowing classes, board game nights, etc. It was really nice and we will surely meet there again in the future.

A group picture during the event

Many people came to the event, including some new ones. Although people always tend to come and go during the day, a total of 12 people attended the event.

As always, people worked on very different projects! One of the focus of this D&S was assembling AirGradient DIY basic kits. Our local community has been talking a lot about air quality metrics in the past few months1. Tiago thus decided to have a company print the PCBs for this kit and graciously gave away a few spares. Michael then took upon himself to order parts on AliExpress and a few of us ended up soldering the kits together while chatting.

An AirGradient DIY basic kit, semi-assembled

Otherwise, some Debian work was also done:

  • I triaged and closed a bunch of bug reports and started packaging labwc, a Wayland compositor heavily inspired by Openbox.
  • Jérôme did some work on Clojure libraries that broke when Java 21 became supported in Sid.
  • Gabriel worked on the libinfluxdb-http-perl library.
  • Tiago and Tassia continued their work on the new DC Sources project and Tiago applied for a VM for this service.

The whole event was super fun, the tacos we had for lunch were delicious (and very authentic!), and we ended up at a local microbrewery to share a pint later in the evening.

Looking forward to the next event!

  1. Mostly as a result of the large forest fires in Canada this summer. I myself blogged twice about air quality-related projects recently. 
